Incredible India

Indian Politics

Indian Politics
Reaching Greater Heights

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Innovation Redefined - Mission Potable Water

Someone said that if there would be a III World war, it would be fought for water or oil. We see that changing pattern of rainfall and climate is creating tensions all over the world. Though we have two-third landscape of earth in form of oceans, but then also more than half of world’s population does not have access to potable water. We being the second most populated nation in the world are one of the greatest victims of impure drinking water.
Millions of Children die as they do not have access to potable water. Most of them belong to families which can’t afford installing expensive domestic water purifiers.  As we all know, none of us trust drinking water supplied by Municipal corporations, who cares for the people belonging to lower community? Yet there are people who will sacrifice their comfort for sake of the poor people. They will innovate and bring out-of-the-box ideas for common people. Suprio Das has invented a very cheap, easy to use water purification system which works on principle of accurate mixing of Chlorine into municipal water.

Chlorine has been hailed by various international organizations including WHO and developed countries as a proper way to purify impure water. The Zimba Chlorine Doser requires no use of electricity as it is unreliable in most parts of the country. It has no moving parts and uses a system of transparent tubes to proportionately mix right amount of Chlorine into impure water. This reduces the chances of it getting damaged or unavailable at times and requires no behavioural change.  The most unique point of this device Is that it doesn’t have to be installed at each household, rather it believes in community participation. It will be disinfecting water at the water collection point, so every household will eventually get the pure drinking water.

The innovations of this kind, which can transform the societies, will be most welcomed by the common people, rather than manufacturing costly life saving drugs which are out of reach of the common people, just for sake of protection of Intellectual property and promoting Innovation. Not every innovation is accessible to every section of the society.  This will send a positive message to the agents of change, who can sacrifice everything for the common people and will bring about change.

To know more please visit the following link:

Franklin Templeton Investments partnered the TEDxGateway Mumbai in December 2012

Friday, June 14, 2013

Gentlemen ..... Ring the Bell..... Stop Domestic Violence

When we see the role of women in society, she is one who is carrying this world to the next generation and still she is neglected the most. But why do we see patriarchy paradigm still playing dominating role. Do we really need to classify humans into different sex and then thinking objectively in a negative manner. Large proportion of men of this nation failed to provide security to the women of this country, which they deserved. When we go into rural areas, men have developed a culture of violence against women. They are in usual habits of beating women, the women too do not protest because their friends in different families suffer with the same problem. They are in habit of accepting this as a custom which is prevailing all over the country.

I think it's the right time we take the initiative to bring some change and turn these long prevailing customs and turn it around. It is difficult for every women to start protesting against such a heinous crime they are suffering from long time. Some gentlemen out of men have to come out and will need to bring suffering women into confidence. If gentlemen takes such a huge initiative of stopping domestic violence against women, then all wise men will follow and this will turn into a movement striving for change.

We as a society, state or a nation are failure if we are unable to protect women of this country or ensure safety to them from domestic violence. This will help them to bring out their talent out of their closed box.

We men are not to hinder the growth of women but to make them progress.

# RespectForWomen
# RingTheBell
# BellBajao

This blogpost is for campaign against the domestic violence against women. RingTheBell is a initiative by IndiChange.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Changing Scenario of modern health-care

Today, people are facing new kinds of problems in newly emerging world full of technology. Diseases too are evolving themselves in fighting with already available solutions, so our healthcare should also evolve so that diseases could be cured easily.
The lifestyle of middle class and upper middle class who constitute good amount of population of this country  is changing continuously, they are upgrading in terms of technology, education, medical-cure, etc.

Though we are worried about lower class and poor people for providing medical facilities, we can provide them some alternative, may be any kind of cost-effective solutions of cutting edge technologies. But the 8-10 crore people who spend huge amount of money for health-care must be taken care of, not at the cost of lower strata but on their own will. These people are basic forces behind the innovation industry who in any form fund the research institutions. Due to this cost-effective solutions to many diseases, India is emerging as a medical tourism hub.

India is privileged to have medical institutions like Apollo, who have worked tremendously in this field and are providing cutting edge technology to the common people. (

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Building the Republic: Redefining India

Today, we are celebrating the 64th Republic Day, it is indeed a great privilege to be a part of a republic at a time when most of the countries of Asia are still struggling under monarchy or dictatorship. It is indeed a great honour to be part of such a country which has diversity in language, religion, culture, etc. We are part of the biggest democracy and youngest country of the world. Even the world realises the potential of Gandhian philosophy, which served as base for various movements in India and outside. But then what went wrong in last six decades? In these 63 years of republic, we have some-how missed the principles of our forefathers. Though we have moved far away from 1950 level in various sectors viz. education, health-indicators, industrialization, etc. But common people i.e. poor labourers, farmers, daily-wage earners, etc are still living the same life as their ancestors lived 60 years ago; there is a marginal change in the lifestyle of poor class. Our Human Development Index ranking in 1980 stood at 134 and it remain unchanged even in 2011. It is difficult to suppress these voices of common people which will emerge in form of naxalism, crimes, demand for separate states, demand for reservation to different sections, etc.
We have shown improvement in literacy levels but the quality of education deteriorated, where almost 50% students of class V can’t read the book of class II. Our health indicators viz. maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate are still far behind the UN millennium development goals. The average life of Indian people has reached in 60s, but there many old-age people who are suffering due to nuclear families, they don’t have a place to live. A clear policy on old-age people is missing in govt. legislations. Our political leadership is crawling and is unable to implement common welfare programmes in efficient manner. There is huge rise in rate of crimes seen against women in these 63 years, we have taken a form of a patriarchal society and which is very dangerous for any society. There is a sense of sensitivity which is missing from the society. The men-women divide is emerging very rapidly; we need to take immediate steps to bridge this divide. It is better if we inculcate sensitivity towards women community and deal with all the cases with utmost care and high priority.
We are not able to change with time, we are framing policies which were required a decade before. How can a same policy work at all parts of the country when there is a difference in culture, religion, geographical locations, and requirements of each region? I think we need to move towards a system of customized policies for each region and decentralisation of power and giving more autonomy to panchayati raj institutions and local municipal bodies. Our policies should bring a transformation in life style of common people at the grass-roots level. Until we bring that change, our policies are failure. Inclusive society should be our ultimate dream. Continuous reforms will bring change.
It’s time the three basic institutions of this country metamorphose. It is good if we take these steps sooner than later. The latter will only add to the agony of the common people and we will go on seeing these people’s movement in the near future. In the present context, kiran bedi’s quote reminds of India’s potential – “If India has million problems it also has a billion solutions! We just have to make them visible and upscale their ideas!”